Mantle Cell Lymphoma Consortium and Initiative

Impact on Research

Mantle Cell Lymphoma Consortium and Initiative

In the early 2000s, limited federal and private resources were dedicated to the study of mantle cell lymphoma (MCL). MCL is a rare, typically aggressive form of non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) which accounts for roughly six percent of all NHL cases in the United States. Recognizing that a targeted research focus on MCL would benefit this underserved and understudied patient population, the Lymphoma Research Foundation began awarding MCL-specific research grants and gathering its MCL grantees for a regular scientific meeting to report on their findings and form collaborations.

As the Foundation’s MCL research program grew, so did the meeting and requests from scientists who wished to attend. Recognizing the importance of this meeting and the Foundation’s role as the world’s largest private funder of MCL research, the Mantle Cell Lymphoma Consortium (MCLC) was formed and the annual meeting – now a global scientific workshop – and the research infrastructure created by the Foundation was opened to MCL researchers from around the world. The MCLC is now composed of almost 150 international laboratory and clinical scientists whose research is focused on MCL.

The Foundation has convened its Mantle Cell Lymphoma Scientific Workshop since 2003. The goal of the biennial Workshop is to bring together the world’s leading experts in mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) to discuss the latest research findings, receive updates on the progress of Foundation grantees, foster collaboration within the MCL research community, create a direction for MCL research, and ultimately improve MCL diagnosis and treatment for patients. Abstracts and presentations for the Workshop are sought across the following categories:

  • MCL Biology
  • MCL Novel Pathways and Targets
  • MCL Therapeutic Resistance and Personalization of Therapy
  • MCL Epidemiology and Outcomes Research
  • MCL Prognostic and Predictive Biomarkers
  • MCL Clinical Trials

In addition, a keynote address is offered by a global thought leader in the field of MCL research, and expert debates are staged to discuss pivotal topics in the treatment and care of people with MCL. After the conclusion of the Workshop, the Foundation and its scientific advisors publish a proceedings paper highlighting the key themes and highlights from the Workshop. It is considered a blueprint for future MCL research and is sought out by researchers and clinicians worldwide. The Workshop and proceedings paper also informs the Foundation’s MCL patient education program, bringing the most up-to-date information on treatment options and clinical trials directly to patients. MCLC members serve as faculty for patient programs and develop all of the Foundation’s MCL patient resources and disease-specific literature.

Call for Abstracts

Our Call for Abstracts is now open to the public. To submit your abstract for consideration, click the button below and submit your abstract by November 22, 2024.

Executive Committee

Kami Maddocks, MD
The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center

Peter Martin, MD
Weill Cornell Medicine

Tycel Phillips, MD
City of Hope

Julie Vose, MD
University of Nebraska Medical Center

Michael Wang, MD
MD Anderson Cancer Center

2023 MCL Leadership Award Video
