Leigh Olson, Board of Directors

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Leigh Olson

Miami Beach, FL

Leigh Olson is the Secretary of the Lymphoma Research Foundation’s Board of Directors. When her father was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma in 2000, she and her family were overwhelmed and did not know anything about the disease. While attending one of her father’s oncology appointments, she received LRF disease guides and fact sheets that helped her and her family understand lymphoma and provided hope for her father’s journey. Later that year, she and her family were thrilled to learn that her father was declared in remission and wanted to give back. Leigh has supported the Foundation through a letter-writing campaign, participating in their local Team LRF Lymphoma Walk and helping to start the LRF Swirl: A Wine Tasting Event in Miami Beach, FL. She is honored and grateful to be a part of the Lymphoma Research Foundation and do her part to help change the lives of those touched by lymphoma.