Education Programs
We support everyone affected by lymphoma. Whether you are newly diagnosed, your lymphoma has become relapsed or refractory, a long-term survivor, or a care partner – we’re here to support you as you navigate lymphoma.
As part of that support, the Lymphoma Research Foundation provides education and support services to all people affected by lymphoma. We team up with experts to host programs providing clear, easy-to-use information to help you navigate every step of your or your loved one’s journey.
Ask the Doctor About Lymphoma
This is a virtual two-hour program.
Ask the Doctor About Lymphoma is a virtual two-hour program that combines a comprehensive and accessible overview of lymphoma by an expert with an extensive question-and-answer session. The Foundation offers Ask the Doctors on three different topics: newly diagnosed (every month), relapsed/refractory (twice a year), and a lymphoma overview in Spanish (three times a year).
Recommended for: Ask the Doctor programs are recognized as the Foundation’s flagship initiative, serving as an excellent introductory resource for individuals who are newly diagnosed or beginning their journey with lymphoma.
Living with Lymphoma (*new program)
This is a virtual one-day program.
Living with Lymphoma is a one-day virtual program that provides detailed information on specific subtypes of lymphoma and the latest treatment options via disease-specific breakout sessions. In addition, these programs will feature sessions on a variety of supportive care topics, including side effect management, nutrition, physical exercise, shared decision-making, and survivorship.
Recommended for: The Living with Lymphoma programs are an excellent choice for individuals who prefer to learn from home and seek in-depth, specific information about lymphoma, as well as those interested in exploring supportive care topics.
Lymphoma Talks (*new program)
This is an in-person two-hour program.
Lymphoma Talks is a two-hour weekday evening in-person program led by lymphoma experts that provide information about lymphoma in three breakout sessions. These sessions will be comprised of aggressive lymphomas (including DLBCL, MCL, HL, and other aggressive B-cell lymphomas), indolent lymphomas (including FL, MZL, and Waldenstrom), and chronic lymphocytic leukemia/small lymphocytic lymphoma (CLL/SLL).
Recommended for: Lymphoma Talks are ideal for individuals who prefer in-person learning and networking opportunities. This program offers comprehensive education on treatment options, including FDA-approved therapies and emerging treatments currently being investigated in clinical trials.
This is a virtual one-hour program.
Webinars are hour-long interactive programs led by lymphoma experts who discuss the diagnosis and treatment of specific lymphoma subtypes and key research and treatment updates. Webinars feature a presentation from the featured expert, with the remainder of the time allocated to an extensive Q&A session.
Recommended for: Webinars are recommended for patients and their care partners who prefer an interactive learning experience and seek in-depth information on specific lymphoma or cancer-related topics.
Educational Forum on Lymphoma (*now virtual)
This is a virtual two-day program.
The Educational Forum on Lymphoma is a virtual two-day conference in the fall of every year that provides the lymphoma/CLL community with important information about the diagnosis and treatment of lymphoma and CLL, as well as information about clinical trials, research advances, and how to manage their disease.
Recommended for: The Educational Forum is the Foundation’s largest and most comprehensive program, designed to support lymphoma and CLL patients from diagnosis through long-term survivorship. This program is open to anyone impacted by lymphoma, regardless of prior participation or where they are in their journey.
The 2025 Educational Forum will held in September – dates to be announced soon.