Stories of Hope

Jim, Hodgkin Lymphoma

Jim, Hodgkin Lymphoma

Take your first step…
Your involvement will have a lasting impact.

18 years ago, I took my first step to become involved with the Lymphoma Research Foundation and I’m so grateful that I did. That first step set me upon a path that would prepare me for my own unexpected journey through cancer diagnosis, treatment, and survivorship.

In 2006, an architecture colleague named Mark passed away after his lengthy battle with cancer. I met Mark’s close friend and running buddy Michael and learned that Michael wanted to establish a memorial run to honor Mark. I volunteered to organize that running event and set out to raise money for lymphoma (the cancer Mark had battled). Following the event (Sop’s Hop 5K), I was eager to deliver the money we raised.

When I met the local chapter members, they immediately welcomed me into the group. Right away, I was captivated by their incredible energy. I wanted to get involved (and stay involved). I took the next step and started attending chapter meetings. The chapter was planning a new fundraiser gala. I’m a musician, so I offered to spearhead the live music at the gala. That gala became an annual tradition, and I had the privilege of participating in it for a decade.

Over those ten years, I learned about the different types of lymphoma, common symptoms, and various treatments. I attended Ask the Doctor seminars. I got to know countless survivors.

Hearing survivors share their inspiring stories, I gleaned four principles of how to navigate a crisis: don’t panic; learn as much as you can about your situation; surround yourself with a support network; and put an action plan together.

At some point, I imagined that I might face a crisis of my own and I could employ those four principles. That crisis came in February 2016, when I was diagnosed with Hodgkin lymphoma. While my diagnosis was shocking, it didn’t take me long to recognize what an amazing gift I had received: all of those years volunteering and staying involved with the Lymphoma Research Foundation had placed me on a path that lead me to a wealth of knowledge and preparation.

My story is proof that the work the Lymphoma Research Foundation is doing saves lives. Thanks to the Foundation, I recognized the symptoms and caught it early. As scary as my diagnosis was, I didn’t panic. I started treatment in a calm, confident mindset. I had a basic knowledge of lymphoma that helped to diffuse some of the fear and anxiety that accompanies a cancer diagnosis. I was fortunate to know many lymphoma survivors, so I had a built-in support network with access to valuable resources.

Thankfully, my treatment was effective, and I reached a successful remission in June of 2016. I had the amazing love and support of my wife and son, along with my family, friends, and colleagues. I had an incredible team of doctors and nurses. I also had the Lymphoma Research Foundation on my side.

My story is proof that the work the Lymphoma Research Foundation is doing saves lives

As I move forward in my life, I remain committed to the Foundation and believe in the work that they are doing. I invite you to join our mission and support the Lymphoma Research Foundation by attending the Minnesota Lymphoma Walk on Saturday, June 8th, 2024. Your involvement will help build momentum as the Foundation continues to work toward a cure.

Thank you for taking the step to join the Lymphoma Research Foundation in the fight.

Together, we will one day cure lymphoma.

Want to take a step toward ending lymphoma?