Blood Cancer Awareness Month

Blood Cancer Awareness Month

September 15 is Lymphoma Giving Day!

Making a gift on Lymphoma Giving Day is the very best way to support our mission and transform the lives of all those touched by this blood cancer.

Blood Cancer Awareness Month Activities

Lymphoma is a rare disease, with more than 100 individual subtypes, that often lacks the same level of visibility as other cancers. Lack of research for rare diseases, including lymphoma, can often result in delay in diagnosis or limited treatment options.

By bringing together the promise of science and the power of people, a future without lymphoma is within our reach. Help bring visibility to lymphoma by making a commitment for a cure.

Follow us on one or all of our social channels and let your followers know September is Blood Cancer Awareness Month.

Visit our YouTube Channel to view new educational videos featuring lymphoma specialists answering commonly asked disease-related questions.

Tune into one of our Talking with Your Healthcare Team Facebook Live events in September:
– 9/18: Seeking a Second Opinion
– 9/19 at 11AM: Shared Treatment Decision Making
– 9/24: Supporting Your Mental Health

The 2024 Annual Gala on September 25, 2024 is a special evening celebrating advancements made in lymphoma research and patient care and the visionaries, researchers, and advocates who make them possible.

Turn your talents and interests into a unique BCAM fundraiser through the Foundation’s Fundraise Your Way Program to support our mission and bring us one step closer to a world without lymphoma

Everyone’s lymphoma story is unique and special. By simply sharing your story, you can impact countless lives. Stories of Hope is the Foundation’s ongoing effort to give those affected by lymphoma a voice.

Thank You to Our Supporters

Thank you to our supporters for making the future brighter for all those touched by lymphoma.