Ask the Doctor About Lymphoma: Information for Relapsed/Refractory Patients – August 8, 2024

Ask the Doctor

Ask the Doctor is a national series of two-hour, topic-specific, community-based programs that combine a presentation by a medical doctor with an extensive question and answer session. Virtual Ask the Doctor programs provide access to local lymphoma experts, and you can tune in over the phone or online. Note: Ask the Doctor programs are not recorded or archived. We encourage you to tune in live.

Ask the Doctor About Lymphoma

DATE: Thursday, August 8, 2024
TIME: 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM Eastern Time

VIRTUAL PROGRAM – This is a virtual Zoom event, accessible online and over the phone. Access instructions will be emailed after registration. If you are new to Zoom, learn more here: How-Do-I-Join-or-Test-My-Computer-Audio


This program will cover topics for lymphoma patients who have relapsed or whose disease is no longer responding to treatment. It is geared towards patients and caregivers.

Program Overview

  • Lymphoma Overview
  • Who Might Experience Relapse?
  • Treatment Options Available to Relapsed/Refractory Patients
  • Questions to Ask Your Health Care Team
  • Relapsed/Refractory Lymphoma and CLL Resources
  • Question and Answer Session


Justin Kline, MD
Professor of Medicine
Director of the Lymphoma Program
The University of Chicago

Ways to Register

VIRTUAL PROGRAM – This is a virtual Zoom event, accessible online and over the phone. Access instructions will be emailed after registration. If you are new to Zoom, learn more here: How-Do-I-Join-or-Test-My-Computer-Audio

Call: 800-500-9976

This program is for patients and survivors, caregivers and program supporters. If you are a pharmaceutical industry professional that is interested in attending but your company is not listed as a sponsor, please email to learn more about sponsorship.

Disclaimer: The Lymphoma Research Foundation is a national nonprofit organization based in the United States with educational programs and resources are intended for a US-based audience. These program and resources address available lymphoma treatments in the United States. and information on drug approvals by the US Food and Drug Administration.

For individuals outside of the US, we recommend the Lymphoma Coalition at The Lymphoma Coalition is a global network of worldwide nonprofit/NGO lymphoma patient organizations with information appropriate for non US-based audiences.

Program Supporters

This program is supported through unrestricted educational grants from: