Tag Biomarkers

David Kurtz, MD

Researcher Spotlight: David Kurtz, MD Stanford University   Dr. Kurtz began his research in lymphoma as a medical student, gaining interest in the growing body of knowledge about lymphoma biology. However, as a resident, Dr. Kurtz was surprised to discover…

Jianguo Tao, MD, PhD

Researcher Spotlight: Jianguo Tao, MD, PhD H. Lee Moffitt Cancer and Research Institute   Though available therapies for lymphoma are becoming increasingly effective at slowing disease progression and prompting remissions, many patients eventually develop drug resistance that allows their disease…

Sean M. Post, PhD

Researcher Spotlight: Sean M. Post, PhD The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center   Dr. Sean M. Post is an Assistant Professor at The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center and a recipient of the Lymphoma Research Foundation’s…

David Scott, MBChB, PhD

Researcher Spotlight: David Scott, MBChB, PhD British Columbia Cancer Agency   Correlative studies, in which data on patient outcomes is correlated with molecular biology data (such as biomarkers), are crucial to a full understanding of how a given therapy or…