One Community
One Goal:
Eradicate Lymphoma.

Discover the power of the Lymphoma Research Foundation community, and witness the impact that every step we take, every dollar we raise, and every story we share can make when we work together.

Every five minutes, someone in the U.S. is diagnosed with lymphoma. As a community, we can achieve our goal: eradicate lymphoma.

Join the Team

Our mission is to realize the promise of science to eradicate lymphoma and serve the community touched by this disease. We achieve this together—as one community—with confidence, compassion, and care.

Our Impact

Awarded more than $80 million in lymphoma-specific research
since inception

Served more than
3 million people through programs, support services & resources

Lead the way in empowering patients and their loved ones with support and knowledge to make informed decisions.

More than
20,000 volunteers across the
United States

Get Started

Ready to join our community and make an impact?
Fundraising is easy!
  • Choose your fundraiser type
  • Create your page
  • Share with friends and family to raise mission-critical funds