Stories of Hope

Share Your Story of Hope

Everyone’s lymphoma story is unique and special. By simply sharing your story, you can impact countless lives. Stories of Hope are the Lymphoma Research Foundation’s ongoing effort to give those affected by lymphoma a voice.

Matt, Follicular Lymphoma Survivor

My wife dragged me to her general physician because I had a lump on my throat, which I thought was just a swollen gland. Since I also had a sore…

Lisa, Follicular Lymphoma Survivor

In 2003, my husband Gary and I were busy doing a major renovation on our home. A few months into the renovation, I noticed a lump on my neck that…

Juliana, Follicular Lymphoma Survivor

I was diagnosed with follicular lymphoma in 2011. At the time of this diagnosis, I was studying to be a nurse practitioner and our class was learning to examine the…

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