Stories of Hope

Share Your Story of Hope

Everyone’s lymphoma story is unique and special. By simply sharing your story, you can impact countless lives. Stories of Hope are the Lymphoma Research Foundation’s ongoing effort to give those affected by lymphoma a voice.

Rick, Hodgkin Lymphoma

Rick, Hodgkin Lymphoma Every good story starts somewhere and this one starts on a wrestling mat. Sweat, blood, dreams … joy and heartbreak – what I would give to…

Jim, Hodgkin Lymphoma

Jim, Hodgkin Lymphoma Take your first step…Your involvement will have a lasting impact. 18 years ago, I took my first step to become involved with the Lymphoma Research Foundation…

Larry, Mantle Cell Lymphoma

Larry, Mantle Cell Lymphoma During my now-concluded 33-year career with the California Coastal Commission, I was fortunate to have excellent health insurance, allowing me to obtain annual physical exams…
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