Stories of Hope

Share Your Story of Hope

Everyone’s lymphoma story is unique and special. By simply sharing your story, you can impact countless lives. Stories of Hope are the Lymphoma Research Foundation’s ongoing effort to give those affected by lymphoma a voice.

Janna, Mantle Cell Lymphoma Survivor

My journey with mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) and recovery from a double umbilical cord blood (UCB) transplant helped me clarify my priorities and identify things in my life that provide…

Linda, Transformed Lymphoma Survivor

I always thought I was the healthiest person in the room. I was in the gym almost every day and would take long walks at every opportunity. Then, in April…

Wendy, Follicular Lymphoma Survivor

What can I hope for now? What should I hope for?” Those questions popped into my head after receiving the devastating news that my follicular non-Hodgkin lymphoma had recurred. I…

Mia, Hodgkin Lymphoma Survivor

It all shattered into a million diminutive pieces, at least, that’s what my world felt like, after hearing the emergency room doctor tell me I was being admitted into the…

Bob, Follicular Lymphoma Survivor

In 1998 I was fifty years-old, living in New Jersey, and doing a lot of business overseas. On one business trip, I noticed a very small bump on my right…

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