Stories of Hope

Share Your Story of Hope

Everyone’s lymphoma story is unique and special. By simply sharing your story, you can impact countless lives. Stories of Hope are the Lymphoma Research Foundation’s ongoing effort to give those affected by lymphoma a voice.

Lindsay, Hodgkin Lymphoma

Lindsay, Hodgkin Lymphoma I was diagnosed with Hodgkin lymphoma in October 2003. Leading up to my diagnosis, I had been feeling absolutely awful. I was newly married, just 21…

Ashley, Hodgkin Lymphoma

Ashley, Hodgkin Lymphoma In April of 2021, I discovered I was 2 months pregnant with my first child. My fiancé and I then decided to take a better-paying job…

Tori, Hodgkin Lymphoma

Tori, Hodgkin Lymphoma In the summer of 2019, my life was changed forever. No one can prepare you for the day that the doctor diagnoses you with cancer. Time…
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