Category Researcher Spotlight

Rahul Lakhotia, MBBS

Researcher Spotlight: Rahul Lakhotia, MBBS National Institutes of Health Indolent lymphomas frequently require multiple lines of treatment as the disease recurs; the frequency of treatment makes it important to balance efficacy with potential toxicities (side effects). Dr. Lakhotia’s LCRMP project tests a new…

Andrew Ip, MD

Researcher Spotlight: Andrew Ip, MD Winship Cancer Institute For many lymphoma subtypes, a bone marrow transplant is the recommended treatment strategy following relapse. Previous research has also suggested that lymphoma patients who engage in physical activity during their treatment have better outcomes. However, no…

Jean L. Koff, MD, MS

Researcher Spotlight: Jean L. Koff, MD, MS Winship Cancer Institute Post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder (PTLD) is a type of lymphoma that may occur in patients who have undergone stem cell or organ transplants. While some PTLD patients are cured simply with…