Stories of Hope

Share Your Story of Hope

Everyone’s lymphoma story is unique and special. By simply sharing your story, you can impact countless lives. Stories of Hope are the Lymphoma Research Foundation’s ongoing effort to give those affected by lymphoma a voice.

Keith, Follicular Lymphoma

Keith, Follicular Lymphoma My family doctor assured me that the large, squishy lump in my armpit was not consistent with a tumor, so I wasn’t anxious about the results…

Ronnie, Follicular Lymphoma

Ronnie, Follicular Lymphoma Survivor When I was a little girl, a neighbor’s daughter died from lymphoma and my mother was so upset that she talked about it for years….

Michael, Mantle Cell Lymphoma

Michael, Mantle Cell Lymphoma Survivor All lymphoma stories are difficult stories. It’s a diagnosis that shocks us. Turns our world upside down. Exhausts us. Some of our stories are…

Serene, Hodgkin Lymphoma

Serene, Hodgkin Lymphoma Survivor When I was young I used to dream about my bright future, and imagine where I would live, what my wedding dress would look like,…

Lauren, Hodgkin Lymphoma

Lauren, Hodgkin Lymphoma Survivor I wasn’t sure if I would live to celebrate my 24th birthday. When I was told you have cancer, all I remember thinking was, I…
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